Brave Generation was established by a Ukrainian college student accepted to a master’s program in Human Rights at Columbia University in 2022. Tanya Kotelnykova was inspired to co-found Brave Generation to help her fellow Ukrainian students find successful college placements in the US and Europe, so they are prepared to return to Ukraine to be part of the critical recovery of their country.
By linking Ukrainian students with American peer mentors, helping them overcome higher ed’s financial barriers, providing English language tutoring and connecting them to mental health care and trauma support, Brave Generation is helping to ensure that these motivated students have the tools to succeed in the university – and as part of the brave generations of Ukraine’s future.
Over the last 2 years, Brave Generation has supported 156 Ukrainian students through the college application process with mentoring, financial and mental health support. Eighty percent (80%) of the mentees were admitted to prominent universities receiving $11.2 million in scholarships.
UCAP is providing its second grant to Brave Generation as they expand their reach and establish more programs for Ukrainian students to learn about democracy building and other skills needed for Ukraine’s recovery.