Q&A: Danylo from Lviv

Danylo is a 16-year-old deprived of parental care from Lviv, Ukraine.

Spilnota is a program managed by UCAP’s partner, RIDNI. It provides orphans and vulnerable children with vital services, housing, and psychological support, facilitating their growth and social integration.

What do you like most about the Spilnota?
When I first arrived at the Spilnota, I was surprised to find a gym, which I liked the most. In the gym, I can spend time both enjoyably and beneficially for myself. I was also impressed by the staff’s attitude towards the residents; here, I feel supported in difficult moments, care, and reliable support.

Who do you want to be in the future? What do you aim for?
What concerns me the most right now is the war in our country, so I aspire to become a soldier. I’ve always been fascinated by the courage and triumph of our military, how they defend our rights and independence – it’s impossible to describe in words. That’s why I aspire to become a soldier.

Imagine your future after graduating from the Spilnota. What could it be like?

For me, this question remains open. Right now, I’m trying to learn more about professions, their relevance. Also, in the Spilnota, I’m acquiring new skills, learning to manage my finances, plan my time, engage in sports, and attend sports sections – I think these skills and knowledge will help me become independent and goal-oriented in the future, and later I will be able to answer this question.

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