Bondareva Family, Sumy Oblast

UCAP has partnered with the MOM plus ME Charitable Foundation to provide urgent relief to orphanages throughout Ukraine. In January 2024, they organized a week-long “Happy Boot Camp” for 12 foster families and 65 kids with their foster parents from different regions of Ukraine.

The Bondareva family-type orphanage is located in the village of Ugroidy in Sumy Oblast, in the border area 7 km from the Russian border. Today, the family is raising 7 orphans: Yuriy – 17 years old; Anna – 13 years old; Tetiana – 12 years old; Andriy – 11 years old; Valentyn – 11 years old; Ruslan – 10 years old; Yaroslav – 8 years old.
One and a half years ago, the family lost their father during the war, and now the older children help raise the younger ones. Due to its close proximity to the Russian border, the village is under frequent shelling. The shelling damaged the family’s house (windows, roof and doors). They temporarily left but have now returned home because they have nowhere else to go. Due to the constant shelling, the children are stressed and afraid, unable to go to school and communicate with their peers.
At the Happy Boot Camp, the children could escape from all their problems and worries and not hear the sounds of explosions for at least a few days. It was an opportunity to relax and not feel the constant danger that always exists in their home village. Thanks to the rich program, the children were able to express themselves, their talents and skills, and try and learn something new. The children were able to communicate with opinion leaders who inspired them to believe in themselves and pursue their goals. They also received gifts (gadgets, sports equipment, board games, and sweets) that would help children develop, learn, and feel the ordinary joy of childhood, which was lacking during the war.
“We have never seen anything like what we saw here. I am pleasantly surprised and the children are very impressed, everyone is emotionally uplifted. So many pleasant surprises, gifts, attention and warmth” – Svitlana, foster parent

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